Image credit: Socratus Foundation for Collective Wisdom
This project aims to develop a heatwave guide for the Marappana Palya ward in North Bengaluru in a grounded and collaborative manner with ward-level representatives, interest groups and communities to systematically tackle future incidences of heat waves in the city.
The project’s vision is to develop a handy reference for collective action which incorporates learning from existing adaptation actions and puts forward site-level actions for adaptation gathered from a participatory process in the ward. We believe that if we specify adaptive actions, enable participatory processes and anticipate long-term and systemic effects of heat stress-focussed action strategies, then we can create local capacity for heatwave preparedness and significantly mitigate the impacts of future heatwaves in the ward.
By Manan Bhan (ATREE), Ajay Raghavan (Bangalore Creative Circus and Initiative for Climate Action), Abhayraj Naik (Initiative for Climate Action and Azim Premji University)
Project Start Date: April 2023
Dr. Manan Bhan: or;
Ajay Raghavan:;
Abhayraj Naik:
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In the News: The Hindu, 04 Apr 2024