Past Events

Jacaranda Tales -Second Edition

An International Film Festival on Climate Resilience

Date: 06-10 October 2023

BSF organized the second edition of the International Film Festival Jacaranda Tales in Oct ’23, with Climate Resilience as the theme. The in-person film festival screened 20 films, had 4 panel discussions and saw attendance, participation and discussion by more than 600 people, across age groups. The festival also had an online edition which featured 20 films across 3 themes, available to all and free of cost. With a viewership of more than 1500 people, the online festival took these stories across borders.

World Environment Day Quiz 

A quiz on the environment and sustainability

Date: 5th June 2023

BSF, along with Bengaluru Science and Technology Cluster (BeST), Science Gallery Bengaluru (SGB) and National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) organized a quiz on the World Environment Day 2023. Quizzer Berty Ashley hosted this virtual quiz over Zoom on Monday, June 5th, 7.30 – 9.00 PM.

Jacaranda Tales

A Film Festival on Women and Nature

Date: 23 – 26 March 2022
The Jacaranda Tales film festival celebrated the multiple facets of women’s relationships with nature and was organized in collaboration with Bangalore Film Society, Karnataka Gandhi Smaraka Nidhi, Gamana Women’s Collective, Gram Seva Sangh, G Foundation for Art and Culture and Kriti Film Club.

Jacaranda Tales

A Film Festival on Women and Nature

Date: 23 – 26 March 2022
The Jacaranda Tales film festival celebrated the multiple facets of women’s relationships with nature and was organized in collaboration with Bangalore Film Society, Karnataka Gandhi Smaraka Nidhi, Gamana Women’s Collective, Gram Seva Sangh, G Foundation for Art and Culture and Kriti Film Club.

Conversations on Climate Change

While the world is forced into a standstill under the current COVID-19 pandemic the looming Climate Crisis is as present as ever before. In this series BSF in collaboration with BIC hosts conversations on various aspects of Climate Change meant for the general public. 

The Search

The Search on Church Street!

The Search was a free interactive mobile game which invited players to search 10 real-world locations on Church Street, scan the QR codes and unlock the clues to getting clean air and blue skies. It was an attempt to think about how exactly Air Quality impacts quality of life or how lifestyle choices can improve or deteriorate it

Reading For Change

Every first Saturday of the month, 6.30 p.m. on Zoom and YouTube

Books have been our windows to the world for the past several centuries. Books can also be a window into the many futures of the planet. In this series, we use books as an entry point to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to explore them as facets of our daily lives and not only as distant landmarks in space and time.

Who Feeds Bengaluru @ PHYTOPIA

Date: 22 & 23 August 2020
Have you ever wondered how food travels from the farm to the market to your plate and what are the different forces that shape the food culture of Bengaluru city? Would you like to explore the relationship that the city has with plants? Who Feeds Bengaluru is a deep-dive into Bengaluru, exploring the relationship that the city has with plants through a two-day workshop that includes talks, conversations and a little bit of cooking and creating.

BSF @ Submerge

Date: 24 & 25 January 2020
Bengaluru Sustainability Forum partnered with Science Gallery Bengaluru in their very first exhibition season – SUBMERGE – which opened at the Bangalore International Centre on 15th December 2019 and was running till the 30th of January 2020.

Traveling exhibition ‘Germany’s Energiewende’

Date: November 2019
National Center for Biological Sciences
‘Energiewende’ Or ‘Energy transition’ in English is a traveling exhibition on the German’s approach to transition from fossil fuels to renewable en-ergy while increasing energy efficiency at the consumer’s end.