Bengaluru Sustainability Forum (BSF) conducts and hosts retreats on specific aspects on urban sustainability. BSF invites about 30 people to be a part of the retreats.
Here, the idea is to have a healthy mixture of researchers, policy makers, educators, representatives from the informal sector, journalists, active citizens, artists, and representatives of the corporate sector and the government. The thought is to get together people who are all in one way or the other connected to the topic of the retreat but might otherwise not meet or interact. These retreats are as much about listening and learning as they are about speaking.
BSF hopes that these sort of meetings spark collaborations across fields and brings out new ideas and approaches for tackling the issues of urban sustainability. Besides that, these conversations also gives a good idea of the status quo of the city on a certain topic – what is currently going on, who is doing what and where are the gaps in knowledge and implementation. BSF documents these retreats and wishes the participants benefit by getting fresh perspectives for their on-going work.