Urban Biodiversity – Weblinks
This is an NGO planting not only tree saplings but creating patches of forest within Indian cities – mainly Bengaluru. You can check out their website to find more information on plantation drives of the past, their current state and how you can contribute in future plantation drives.
Ever heard of citizen science? It means citizens can help contribute data and learn about the things scientists around them do. Here are a couple of options to start with:
This is a citizen science initiative collecting information on the seasonal appearance of trees. This helps to observe connections between tree behaviour and for e.g. changing temperature patterns. More information on the project and the corresponding website can be found here
India is another citizen science initiative keeping track of birds, their numbers and migration patterns can be found here. It holds information like appearances and sounds of different bird species as well as which are likely to be seen when and where.
This is a hospital for wild animals found in Bengaluru, that provides specialised veterinary care to injured urban animals. The hospital rehabilitates the animals and releases them in their natural environments. The organisation also creates awareness about urban wildlife amongst citizens of Bengaluru and educates the masses about the local environment.
Beautiful Bengaluru – Clean-Green-Safe
This is an initiative on various aspects to make Bangalore a more liveable city.
A compilation of useful common information like the origin, the flowering season, of some of the most commonly seen trees of Bengaluru by Karthikeyan S, a naturalist and long time Bengalurian.
The Nature of Cities
The Nature of Cities is an international platform for transdisciplinary dialogue and urban solutions. We facilitate the sharing of diverse, transformative ideas about cities as ecosystems of people, nature, and infrastructure. We are committed to the design and creation of better cities for all: cities that are resilient, sustainable, livable, and just.
Cities are ecosystems of human habitat. A growing movement in urban social-ecology holds that city building requires a green lens—that urban design with, and not against, nature improves both the global environment and the lives of people. TNOC aims to support and propel this movement by curating a network of thought leaders and publishing their ideas. We now comprise almost 650 contributors from around the world: practitioners, scientists, artists, engineers, ecologists, social scientists, architects, designers, landscape architects, planners, activists, urbanists, entrepeneurs, government officials—all working to propel a transdisciplinary, participatory, and transformative movement for cities.
TNOC is a “boundary organization” interested in ideas at the frontiers of science, design, policy, and the arts—an idea hive that puts different approaches and points of view together, to discover what novel perspectives might emerge. We work in two principal ways. First, we publish a virtual magazine and discussion site featuring, in multiple formats, the diverse work and ideas of our contributors around the world. Second, we pursue partnerships and special projects in specific areas related to our published ideas and mission.