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India Environment Masterclass ~ by EFI

Alliance Francaise Bengaluru

Do nature's wonders fascinate you? Are you keen on making a difference to the environment? Join EFI's Environment Master Class! @efi_volunteer : at Vasant Nagar, Alliance Française de Bangalore, Auditorium Register now by scanning the QR code.

Nilgiris-a shared wildnerness

Bangalore International Centre, 7, 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560071

This is the story of India’s first UNESCO Biosphere Reserve – the Nilgiris – one of Asia’s most intensively studied areas. A land of sacred peaks and secret creatures, lost in the mists of time, somewhere between folklore and magic. A land that has challenged conventional notions of wilderness and showcased nature’s remarkable ability to […]

Screening of ‘Nilgiris – a Shared Wilderness’

Mount Carmel College Auditorium

We are delighted to invite you to a screening of the recent documentary "Nilgiris - A Shared Wilderness". The birthplace of sacred rivers, the land of thundering waterfalls and deep gorges, and home to the guardians of our climate, India’s first UNESCO Biosphere Reserve— the Nilgiris—encompasses the country’s largest network of protected areas. Registration Link […]
